Apr. 6 – Wolverine: Fatal Attractions and Fantastic Four: Solve Everything

Wolverine Vol. 2 #75 by Larry Hama and Adam Kubert (1993) Wait, apparently Hama can write a really good issue if he wants to. Where has this been the last 3 years? The sheer panic on the nearly-crashing plane is depicted very well. Logan leaving the X-Men makes sense at this stage of his character.Continue reading “Apr. 6 – Wolverine: Fatal Attractions and Fantastic Four: Solve Everything”

Feb. 17: Avengers: Siege, X-Men: A Skinning of Souls, and X of Swords

X-Men Vol. 2 #17 by Fabian Nicieza and Andy Kubert (1993) It’s a more dramatic shift out of X-Cutioner’s Song than the other X-books, and that’s a shame considering all three of them had fantastic post-event issues. I do appreciate a storyline focusing on Peter, who has been neglected in recent years. Grade: B+ DarkContinue reading “Feb. 17: Avengers: Siege, X-Men: A Skinning of Souls, and X of Swords”

January 11, 2021: Incredible Hercules, X-Factor, and Wolverine

X-Factor Vol. 1 #80 by Peter David and Larry Stroman (1992) Stroman’s art compliments the zany writing style of David quite well. The only complaint about this issue is that the antagonist team is very stock-villain. They aren’t that interesting. The character dynamics of X-Factor work great, as always. Grade: B+ Incredible Hercules Vol. 1Continue reading “January 11, 2021: Incredible Hercules, X-Factor, and Wolverine”

December 9, 2020: Captain Britain, X-Force, and Wolverine

X-Force Vol. 1 #5 by Rob Liefeld and Fabian Nicieza (1991) Going from any of the other contemporary X-titles into reading X-Force is a trip. Nothing ever happens here. The amount of words on the page rivals a modern comic. The Brotherhood of Evil Mutants is back, and they brought Sauron. Did anyone ask forContinue reading “December 9, 2020: Captain Britain, X-Force, and Wolverine”

November 25, 2020: Mighty Avengers, X-Force, and Wolverine

X-Force Vol. 1 #4 by Fabian Nicieza and Rob Liefeld (1991) I skipped the Spider-Man cross-over issue, but apparently Black Tom blew up the world trade center, which certainly reads differently 30 years later. The entire issue is two-page spreads, but they just feel like regular panels. Maybe Liefeld isn’t the best artist to doContinue reading “November 25, 2020: Mighty Avengers, X-Force, and Wolverine”

October 28, 2020: Nova, Excalibur, and Wolverine

Excalibur: Weird War III by Michael Higgins and Tom Morgan (1990) Hmm, not the biggest fan of this one. It tries to be funny and serious at the same time, and it’s dealing with subject matter that probably shouldn’t get that treatment. The art is very different. I think it’s good in a vacuum, butContinue reading “October 28, 2020: Nova, Excalibur, and Wolverine”

September 30, 2020: Exiles, New Mutants, and Wolverine

New Mutants Vol. 1 #96 by Louise Simonson and Rob Liefeld (1990) Part 5 of the X-Tinction Agenda storyline This issue is awful. By far the most frustrating issue of the (thus far good) event. The first three pages have so much text on them I could barely get through them. The text isn’t evenContinue reading “September 30, 2020: Exiles, New Mutants, and Wolverine”

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